Kamis, 01 November 2018


Choose the right answer!
1.      1. his bag is very light, because it has got ……….. books in it.
A. a little                     C. much
B. a few                      D. many                     
2. Susaan : Is there any milk in the bottle?
Riana   : Yes, there is, but it is only…….
A.  a little                   C. much
B.   a few                    D. many                     
3.  Tom and I……………….together.
      A. Do a homework  
      B. Does a homewrok
C.     Do a homeworking         
D.    Doing  homeworks
4.  Rara  : Do you like to sing?
Ari     : … .........................
A.    Yes, I likes to sing
B.     Yes, I am like
C.     Yes, I liked to sing
D.    Yes, I like to sing
5.   I ……. always …………. to the dentist.
A.    Don`t – going
B.     Doesn`t- goes
C.     Don`t – went
D.    Don`t - go
6.  Jane : How do you go to school?
Rio   : I ……… my bike  to school
A.    Rode                   C. .Ride
B.     Rides                  D.  Ridden                         d. Riding
7.  Sitha : When do you do your homework? Ardi   : ……….
A.    I have did my homework at 7 PM
B.     I did my homework at 7 PM
C.     I do my homework at 7 PM
D.    I am doing my homework at 7 PM
8.  I ……….. breakfast every day at 7 AM
A.    Eats                    C. To eat
B.     Eat                      D. Eating
9.  Arrange these words into correct order!
do weonourhomeworkMonday
  1      2       3     4           5                   6
A.    2-1-3-6-4-5
B.     2-1-4-5-3-6
C.     3-6-1-2-5-4
D.    1-2-4-5-3-6
10.Mr. Baker ………his son to ride a bicycle now.
A.    Teach
B.     Teaches
C.     Teaching
D.    taught
11. X : What are you doing now?
Y :……………
A.     I draw an animal now
B.     I drawing an animal now
C.     I am drawing an animal now
D.     I am draw an animal now
12.  Rick : What are the students doing?
Rere :  They…………………….
A.     are do an experiment.
B.     are  doing an experiment
C.     is doing an experiment
D.     do the experiment
13.  The children play football.
Please change that sentence into present continuous tense.
A.     The children play football
B.     The children are play football
C.     The children is play football
D.     The children are playing football
14. Ria  : Whar is Ms. Rini doing now?
Nia  : ……………………
A.     She is practice baseball now.
B.     She is practiced baseball now.
C.     She is practicing baseball now.
D.     She  practises baseball now.
15. Arrange these jumble words into correct answer!
 not- They- to- the - going-are- bank now
 1       2       3    4        5       6     7         8        
A.       1-2-3-4-8-7-6-5
B.       3-1-2-6-4-5-7-8
C.       2-6-1-8-3-5-4-7
D.       2-6-1-5-3-4-7-8
17. Change this word into correct Present tense
“ Riana is dancing a traditional dance”.
A.     Riana  dances a traditional dance
B.     Riana dancing a traditional dance
C.     Riana danced a traditional dance
D.     Riana dance a traditional dance

18.  It is hot in this noon. Please…….the window!
A. open                 C. close
B. turn off                        D. turn on
19. Teacher     : …….. I want to enter your mark.
Students   : Yes, Mam.
A.    Don’t be noise!                     
B.     Don’t be naughty!
C.     Don’t be silent!                     
D.    Don’t be calm!
20. Putri     : This room is very cold.   ..........?
Febri    : Certainly
A. Don`t turn on the lamp!
B. No turning off the stove!
C. No turning on the fan!
D. Don`t turn on the stove!
21.Lina           : “May I use your laptop?”
Dayu        : “Sure......”
A.  Take it yourself!
B.  Forgive me!
C.  Buy me a laptop!
D.  That is  mine
22.Herda :  .....................? Mine is broken
Daffa  : Yes, you may.
Herda : Well, thank you very much.
A. Can I lend you  my ruler           
B. Can I buy your ruler      
C. May I borrow your ruler
D. May I lend you my ruler

23.  Reza : Look ! The class is very dirty, .....please ?
Tiara : Ok
A. Can you be sweeping it
B. Will you litter it
C. Can you dust it
D. Would you sweep it

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

I and my mother always ( 24 ) ……….. at 05.30 every morning. After that I  (25 ) …………….. a bed and my mother always (26 ) …………..the breakfast for their family

24  .A. get up                  B. got up                  C. gets up                 D. are get up
25.    A. make                 B. to make               C.     Made                  D. making
26. A. prepare               B. prepares               C. Preparing             D. prepared

27.    Sari       : Can you buy  me a post card, please?
Tutik     : ......................... I must go to my grandmother now.
A.     Of course       
B.     Forgive me                 
C.     Sure               
D.      All right        
28.   Aries  : Can you bring your cage  here ?
Iqbal  : …………The cage is very heavy for me
A.       No problem  
B.       I can’t be sure                      
C.       Of course                 
D.       So sorry
29.    Change the following sentence by using be able to”
“He can ride a horse in the yard”.
A.       He able to ride a horse in the yard
B.        He is able to rides a horse in the yard
C.       He is able to ride a horse in the yard
D.       He is able ride a horse in the yard
30.   Amma : Will you help me do my homework?
Kiki     : ...........I`ll come to your house tonight.
Amma : Thanks.
A.     Alright           
B.      Never
C.     No, I won`t                
D.     I am afraid I can
5.        Mr. Ari : The room is hot. …………
Dea       : That`s right, sir.
Mr. Ari  : Thanks
A.     Will you turn off the lamp!
B.     Will you turn on the lamp!
C.     Will you sweep the classroom!
D.     Will you turn on the fan!